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研究领域或方向:导航系统高精度定位 机器人协同视觉定位与建图
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    IEEE 会员
    (1)Lan Cheng, Kai Wang, Mi F. Ren, and Gaowei Yan, Adaptive Filter Approach for GPS Multipath Estimation under Correntropy Criterion in Dynamic Multipath Environment, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing(二区), DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2019.2946028, 5798-5810, 2019
    (2)Lan Cheng, Hong Yue, Yanjun Xing, Mifeng Ren, Multipath Estimation Based on Modified -Constrained Rank-Based Differential Evolution With Minimum Error Entropy, IEEE Access, 6(1): 61569-61582, 2018.12. (二区)DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2875020
    (3) Lan Cheng, Kai Wang, Mi F. Ren, and Xin Y. Xu, “Comprehensive Analysis of Multipath Estimation Algorithms in the Framework of Information Theoretic Learning,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 5521–5530, 2018. (二区)
    (4) Cheng Lan, Ren Mifeng, Xiegang, Multipath Estimation Based on Centered Error Entropy Criterion for non- Noise, 4:9978-9986 , IEEE ACCESS, 2016.12, (SCI二区)
    (5)Cheng Lan, Chen Jie,Xie Gang, Model and Simulation of Multipath Error in DLL for GPS Receiver, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 23(3):508-515.2014.07(SCI四区)
    (6) Chen Jie, Cheng Lan*, Gan Minggang, Modeling of GPS Code and Carrier Tracking Error in Multipath, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 21(1): 78-84, 2012. (SCI四区)
    (7) Mifeng Ren, Ting Cheng, Junghui Chen, Xinying Xu and Lan Cheng, Single Neuron Stochastic Predictive PID Control Algorithm for Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Systems Using the Survival Information Potential Criterion, Entropy, 18(6), 218, doi:10.3390/e18060218, 2016(SCI三区)
    (8) 程兰, 邢艳君, 任密蜂等. 基于ε等级约束差分进化的多径估计算法[J]. 电子学报,46(1): 167-174, 2018. 01. (EI)
    (9) 张晋恒, 程兰, 张净, 倪梓航, 阎高伟. 基于改进无迹卡尔曼滤波的多径估计[J].太原理工大学学报, 2020. (核心)
    (10) 程 兰,  王志远, 陈杰, 谢 刚. 基于PF和滑动平均EKF的多径估计算法[J],电子与信息学报,39(3):8-17,2017.03。
    (11) 程兰,陈杰,甘明刚,单一多径环境下GPS载波跟踪误差建模与分析,北京理工大学学报,34(3),283-288,2014. 03. (EI)
    (12) Jie Chen,Lan Cheng*,  Gan Minggan, A New Sliced Gaussian Mixture Filter using Gaussian Sum Approximation for Non-linear/non-Gaussian Model and Its Application in Multipath Estimation [J], Acta Automatic Sinica,39(1):1-10, 2013.(EI)
    (13) 程兰,陈杰,谢刚,软件接收机中基于数据处理的多径估计方法,系统工程与电子技术,35(10):2050-2056, 2013.10.(EI)
    (14) 程兰,陈杰,甘明刚,伪码测距接收机中MET技术误差建模与分析,北京理工大学学报,3(31):318-323,2011.(EI))
    (15) 程兰,陈杰,甘明刚,一种归一化点积功率型伪码跟踪鉴相算法,北京理工大学学报,12(30),1427-1431,2010. (EI)
    (16) 王志远,程兰*,谢刚,一种改进的PF算法及其在多径估计中的应用[J], 计算机工程, 43 (6): 289-295 , 2017. (核心期刊)
    (17) 邢艳君,程 兰,任密蜂,谢刚,基于差分进化改进粒子滤波的多径估计算法[J],太原理工大学学报, 48(1):110-115, 2017.(核心)
    (18) 程兰,谢刚,一种基于扩展Kalman滤波的多径估计算法,太原理工大学学报,43(5): 575-579, 2012(核心)
    (19) Cheng Lan, Yue H, Xie G, et al. Multipath estimation using an intelligent optimization algorithm with non-Gaussian noise[C]//Automation and Computing (ICAC), 2017 23rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2017: 1-6. (EI)
    (20) Cheng Lan,Wang Zhiyuan, Xie Gang  and  Yan Gaowei. A Sliding Average Extended Kalman Filter and Its Application in Multipath Estimation[C],12th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Kathmandu, Nepal, Jun 01-03, 2016, 944-946.(EI)
    (21)Cheng Lan, Ren Mifeng, Xie Gang , Chen Jie. Multipath Estimation using Kernel Minimum Error Entropy Filter[C]. 11th International Conference on Control (UKACC), Belfast, UK, 31st August - 2nd September, 2016.(EI)
    (22) Mifeng Ren, Ting Cheng, Lan Cheng, Jianhua Zhang, Gaowei Yan, A Single Neuron Controller for Non-Gaussian Systems with Unmodeled Dynamics, 2016 UKACC 11th International Conference on Control (CONTROL), Belfast, UK, 31st August - 2nd September, 2016 (EI)
    (23) Cheng Lan, Guo Yufan, Xiegang. Two improved signal synchronizing methods for GPS software receiver [C], Beijing, China, ISCIIA 2016. (EI)
    (24) 程兰,陈杰,甘明刚,GPS接收机载波跟踪多径误差分析,第29届中国控制会议,北京,4137-4141,2010.(EI)
    (25)Cheng Lan, Yue H, Xie G, et al. Multipath estimation using an intelligent optimization algorithm with non-Gaussian noise[C]//Automation and Computing (ICAC), 2017 23rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2017: 1-6. (EI会议)
    (26) Kai Wang, Lan Cheng, Xinying Xu, Dengao Li, Complexity Reduction of the Received Signal in the Presence of Multipath, CCC2018, Wuhan, 2018,7.25-7.27.
    (27)Zihang Ni, Lan Cheng, Chunmei Zhang, εConstrained Multi-Mutant Rank-Based Differential Evolution Algorithm and Its Application in Multipath Repression, ICCA2019, Edinburgh , 7.16-7.19,2019.
    (2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:信息论标准下基于智能优化的滤波方法及其在多径估计中的应用(2017.01-2019.12),20万,结题。
    (3) 北京理工大学横向项目: 多源信息融合下的人机协同定位与路径规划技术研究(2019.11-2020.11), 15万, 结题。
    (4) 国家重点实验室开放基金项目:北斗接收机的抗多径干扰技术研究(2014.11-2015.11),7.5万,结题。
    (6) 太原理工大学校基金:基于差分进化的强多径估计算法研究(2014.01-2015.12),1万,结题。



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