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研究领域或方向:1.新能源与储能技术及装备研发 2.光学流体热物性测量技术及设备研发
  • 主讲课程
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  • 学术论文
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  • 授权专利
    1.    2022.12起兼任“高效储热与低碳供热山西省重点实验室”常务副主任。
    2.    2021.09起兼任太原锅炉集团环境工程有限公司储能事业部总工程师。
    3.    Journalofchemicalengineeringdata,Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,EnergyandFuel,Fuel,工程热物理学报,太阳能学报,光学学报等同行评议期刊审稿人。
    4.    国家自然科学基金函评专家。
    [1]    Guanjia Zhao, Zhipeng Cui, Jing Xu*, Wenhao Liu, Suxia Ma.Hybrid modeling-based digital twin for performance optimization with flexible operation in the direct air-cooling power unit. Energy, 2022,254,124492.(一区TOP, IF 8.857)
    [2]    Guanjia Zhao*, Zemin Yuan, Mingjing Fan, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma. Experiment and correlation of the thermophysical properties for binary and ternary liquid mixtures of three fatty acid ethyl esters and n-dodecane. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 290: 111207. (二区, IF 6.633)
    [3]    Guanjia Zhao*, Zemin Yuan, Xiaona Liu, Penglai Wang, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma. Experimental investigation and molecular dynamic simulation of thermophysical properties of biodiesel surrogates: The binary mixtures of n-hexadecane with ethyl hexanoate and ethyl heptanoate. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 317: 113980. (二区, IF 6.633)
    [4]    Guanjia Zhao*, Zemin Yuan, Xing Zhang, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma. Saturated liquid kinematic viscosity, surface tension and thermal diffusivity of two low-GWP refrigerants 3,3,3-trifluoropropene (R1243zf) and trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propene (R1233zd(E)) by light scattering method [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2021,127:194-202. (二区, IF 4.14)
    [5]    Guanjia Zhao*, Zemin Yuan, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma. Thermophysical properties of fatty acid methyl and ethyl esters. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2019, 134: 195.(三区, IF 3.269)
    [6]    Guanjia Zhao*, Zemin Yuan, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma. Experimental Investigation of the Thermophysical Properties of the Bio-Aviation Fuel Surrogates: Binary and Ternary Mixtures of n Dodecane, Methyl Butyrate, and Methyl Decanoate. Journal of chemical engineering data, 2019, 64: 5510-5522. (三区, IF 3.119)
    [7]    Guanjia Zhao*, Xiaona Liu, Zemin Yuan, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma.Liquid surface tension, kinematic viscosity, density and refractive index of the binary mixtures of n-hexadecane with methyl butyrate and methyl decanoate close to saturation conditions. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2020, 510, 112448. (三区, IF 2.745)
    [8]    Xing Zhang, Guanjia Zhao*, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma.Experimental investigation of saturated liquid kinematic viscosity and surface tension of two isomeric refrigerants trans-1,1,1,4,4,4hexafluoro-butene (R1336mzz(E)) and cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-butene (R1336mzz(Z)) by surface light scattering.Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2022, 559, 113468. (三区, IF 2.745)
    [9]    Zemin Yuan, Xing Zhang, Yirui Wang, Wenjie Nie, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Maa, Guanjia Zhao*.Thermophysical Properties of the Binary Mixtures of Iso-octane with Methyl Hexanoate, n-Decane with Methyl Decanoate and Methyl Octanoate: Experimental Investigation and Molecular Dynamic Simulation. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2021, 544-545, 113099.(三区, IF 2.745)
    [10]    Zemin Yuan, Guanjia Zhao*, Xing Zhang, Jianguo Yin, Suxia Ma.Experimental investigation and correlations of thermophysical properties for bio-aviation kerosene surrogate containing n-decane with ethyl decanoate and ethyl dodecanoate.J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 2020,150,106201. (三区, IF 3.269)
    [11]    张兴,赵贯甲*,尹建国,马素霞.低散射角度下表面光散射法仪器加宽效应理论修正与流体表面性质测量.光学学报, 2023,43(10). (EI)
    [12]    高鹏,赵贯甲*,尹建国,马素霞;动态光散射法热、质扩散系数同时测量的方法研究.光子学报, 2023 (EI)
    [13]    赵贯甲*,张兴,尹建国,马素霞.牛顿流体全黏度范围黏度测量的理论与实验. 光学学报,2022,42(22). (EI)
    [14]    赵贯甲,可晋军,尹建国*,马素霞. PC-SAFT方程结合重整化群理论计算R1224yz(Z)的热力学性质. 中国电机工程学报,2022,42(12). (EI)
    [15]    张镕驿,王怀忠,王依芮,赵贯甲*,尹建国,马素霞.车载高压氢气分级充注系统的设计与模拟.太阳能学报, 2022, 43(5): 427-432. (EI)
    [16]    宋冠强,王依芮,赵贯甲*,尹建国,马素霞.70 MPa Ⅲ型车载储氢气瓶充氢过程的热力学响应特性模拟.太阳能学报, 2022, 43(9): 488-492. (EI)
    [17]    赵贯甲*,元泽民,张兴,尹建国,马素霞. 近临界区表面光散射法乙醇界面性质的实验研究. 工程热物理学报,2021,42(8).(EI)
    [18]    赵贯甲*,元泽民,毕胜山,尹建国,吴江涛,马素霞. 表面光散射法正十六烷高温热物理性质研究. 工程热物理学报, 2020, 41(11). (EI)
    [19]    赵贯甲*,毕胜山,吴江涛. 表面光散射法高黏度流体黏度测量机理. 光学学报, 2017,37(04). (EI)
    [20]    王依芮,赵贯甲*,尹建国,马素霞.光纤动态光散射法液体热扩散实验系统研制.激光与光电子学进展,2023,中文核心
    1.    微尺度条件下流体界面性质表面光散射法测量的理论与实验研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2023.12,62万,主持/在研
    2.    探索还原性气氛下富集铁氧化物飞灰催化CO还原NOX的脱销机制,国家重点研发计划子课题,2020.11-2023.11,50万,主持/在研
    3.    高温高压条件下生物柴油及调和油的界面张力和黏度研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2016.01-2018.12,24.56万,主持/结题
    4.    超低温热管式空气预热器关键技术及工程示范,山西省重大专项课题,2020.05-2023.05,40万,主持/在研
    5.    节能型烟羽消除的烟气深度净化技术,山西省重大专项课题,2019.01-2021.12,58万,主持/结题
    6.    多能互补型天然气分布式能源系统研发,山西省重点研发项目课题,2018.06-2020.12,22.5万,主持/结题
    7.    微尺度流体界面性质传感研究,山西省自然科学基金青年面上项目,2020.01-2022.12,3万,主持/结题
    8.    热质储能工质及其装备和系统开发技术合同,企业委托,2021.11-2023.11,15.2万元,主持/在研
    9.    低熔点熔盐储能工质配方开发,企业委托,2021.10-2022.10,33.2万,主持/结题
    1.    一种测量流体界面性质的传感器,发明专利,201810415025.6, 2018,排名第一,已授权转让(2021年3月转让,20万)
    2.    一种用于微尺度下流体界面性质测量的传感器,发明专利,201910625413.1,2019,排名第二,已授权
    3.    一种自动化多热管真空定量工质充注系统,发明专利,202110180021.6,2020,排名第一,已授权
    4.    一种高温气固两相流磁性颗粒的取样保护装置及方法,发明专利,202210746908.1, 2022, 排名第一,已公开
    5.    一种光学法测量高温流体黏度和表面张力的装置,发明专利,202111359707.8,2021,排名第一,已公开
    6.    一种高温熔融体黏度和表面张力的测量方法和系统,发明专利,202110544235.7,2021,排名第一,已公开
    7.    一种环保节能型冰箱制冷剂,发明专利,201510370774.8,2015,排名第一,已授权
    8.    一种制冷剂及其应用,发明专利,201510370935.3,2015,排名第一,已授权
    9.    一种高温高压多组分流体界面性质测量系统,发明专利,201510060549.4,2015,排名第一,已授权



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